Build Custom Courses for Any Audience with

CrmOne Course Builder

Our Course Builder has a dashboard to manage all your courses. You can see course titles, categories, and participants and customize course titles, descriptions, and modules to fit your teaching goals. You can also add descriptions and images to make courses more appealing and engaging, helping to attract more participants. This centralized dashboard lets you stay organized, easily see course details, and track engagement metrics in one place.

CrmOne Course Builder

4,000+ companies already growing

Key Features of the CrmOne Course Builder

Custom Course Creation

Create and customize courses with our Course Builder. Choose from various types of ready-to-use templates. Define course details, such as title, description, and content structure. Add videos, quizzes, and interactive elements. From creation to pricing, we’ve streamlined the process so you can focus on delivering value and start creating your income. Customize the look to match your brand and set competitive pricing to attract and retain members.


Brand Customization


Rich Media Integration


Interactive Elements

Flexible Offers and Pricing

Create custom offers and set dynamic course pricing. Start by defining your product – a single Course, bundle, or membership package. Use the platform to write your offer headings and descriptions that grab your audience’s attention. With pricing plans including free trials or paid options, you can appeal to all sorts of learners. Add urgency by limiting the availability of offers by quantity or time to get quick sign-ups. Our preview feature ensures your offers match your brand so you can maximize revenue.


Streamlined Setup


Flexible Pricing Options


Streamlined Setup

Customize Your Course

Design a brand-aligned course experience with custom colors and visuals. Easily set primary, accent, and text colors, and add a unique thumbnail image to enhance appeal. Create a cohesive, professional look that reflects your brand’s identity, ensuring your courses are both informative and visually engaging. Impress your members by aligning every visual element with your brand’s aesthetics.

Customize Your Course

Member Management

Manage your course participants with our dashboard. See member activity, subscriptions, and engagement levels to optimize course delivery and engagement strategies. Get complete information on each member, including contact details, activity history, and subscription status. These details help you to tailor your communications and offers. Real-time data keeps you updated on member activities, such as email marketing subscriptions and course progress. Customize member details and interactions from the dashboard to give a personal experience.


Engagement Metrics


Activity Tracking


Engagement Metrics

Structure Outlines

Create custom learning paths and organize online courses for your audience. Use a simple interface to create outline modules like intro, basics, and advanced concepts. Add videos, quizzes, and interactive elements to make it more interesting. Customize each module to your goals and track the user’s progress. Add offers and memberships to monetize your knowledge and grow your audience. Our platform provides all you need to launch, manage, and scale your courses.


Monetization Options


Progress Tracking


Monetization Options

Detailed Course Settings

Customize each Course’s settings, including titles, descriptions, and content modules, according to your goals and audience needs. You can also duplicate, share, or delete courses to keep your offerings fresh and relevant. Our custom content setting options allow you to add detailed descriptions and images to courses, which makes them more visually appealing and attracts more participants.

Detailed Course Settings

Create and Sell Courses: All-in-One Solution

Boost Customer Satisfaction with Swift Ticket Handling


Customized Templates

Choose from a range of pre-built templates to fit any course format. Brand your content to your style and audience.


Interactive Content

Add videos, quizzes, and interactive elements to your learning experiences. Creating content Dynamics will keep your members engaged and increase retention.


Course Management and Scaling

CrmOne’s built-in features make it easy to manage course details and updates. Scale your courses as your audience grows and maintain quality delivery on time.


Strategic Pricing

Set your pricing and offer exclusive deals to attract more members. Use the tools to create urgency with limited-time offers and boost sales and engagement.


Increased Sales. Strong Relationships.

Business Excellence.

21-Day Free Trial. Zero Cost. Full Access