CRM with Email Marketing

Convert clicks into customers with enhanced email marketing. Take your business to the next level with our CRM and email marketing tool. Organize customer details and craft emails that reach the right audience. Watch your campaigns reap rewards. Use features that track who opens your emails, clicks links, and takes action. Learn how many people saw your email and clicked through to your website. Take smart decisions with detailed analytics of your email performance. 

CRM with Email Marketing

4,000+ companies already growing

Key Features of Email Marketing CRM

Manage your data

Managing all your contacts can be a hectic task. Isn’t it? But CrmOne has you covered. Before sending promotional emails, it’s crucial to pick the right people. They should be likely to buy your products. Here’s when CRM and email marketing come in handy. These tools select prime customers according to age, location, and interest profiles. A free CRM with email marketing that takes control of your sales.


Import/Manage Contacts


Create Segments


Data Hygiene

Personalized Marketing Email

Write emails that make the reader feel you wrote it just for them. By using a CRM for email marketing, you can tailor each message to individual preferences. CRM with email marketing helps you pick the best email template and the perfect send time. Automation tools know when your audience is most engaged. You can significantly increase email open and read rates.


Drag-and-Drop Design


Personalized Emails


Schedule Emails

Bulk Email

Expand your reach and grow fast with our powerful Bulk Email solution. Send targeted campaigns to thousands of potential customers. Boost brand awareness and drive conversions. Create stunning emails. Personalize content. Track results. Maximize your business’s impact.

Bulk Email

Analyze with reliable data!

Use our powerful analytics tools and discover the secrets to email marketing success. Gain insights into your campaign. Understand your audience. Make data-driven decisions. Create new strategies that bring in more sales. Unlock your email’s full potential and achieve the desired results.


Monitor Open/Click rates


Track conversions & ROI.


Data- driven decisions

Why Choose CrmOne Email Marketing for Your Business?

CrmOne offers a comprehensive email marketing solution designed to help businesses of all sizes reach and engage their target audience. Here are some key reasons to consider CrmOne for your email marketing needs:


Integrated CRM Platform


Powerful Email Builder


Advanced Automation


Comprehensive Analytics


List Management and Segmentation


Cost-Effective Solution

Streamline Your Sales Process and Achieve Higher Conversion Rates with CrmOne!

Email Marketing to Drive More Sales and Conversions


High ROI

Reach a large, targeted audience at a fraction of the cost of other marketing channels.


Build strong customer relationships

Nurture trust and loyalty through personalized, valuable content.


Generate website traffic

Drive clicks and conversions with compelling call to action.


Measurable results

Track key metrics to optimize campaigns for greatest impact.


Expand Business. Increase Revenues. Build Strong Customer Relationships.

21-Day Free Trial. Zero Cost. Full Access