
Feedback in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is what customers tell a company about their experience with its products or services. The purpose of feedback is to help businesses understand what customers like or don’t like, find ways to get better, and make customers happier. So companies can make decisions, improve their products or services and build good relationships with customers and get more loyalty and more sales.

Exploring Core Concepts of Feedback

In CRM, feedback can be received through surveys, social media platforms, and customer reviews. According to Marfelt, it was discovered that the most commonly used means by customers for feedback is surveys, as revealed by 70%. Primary research can help to get as much information as possible with the help of different types of feedback regarding the organizations. This way, businesses can realize the patterns of the topics that are common on social media regarding what customers are saying.

Organizations that attempt to modify their working style by incorporating the feedback can achieve a 25% increased customer satisfaction. For instance, if many of the clients give a report about a certain product stating that it is complex, then it can be redesigned for easier use. When companies hear from their customers, they respond and change certain aspects, which in turn makes customers happy for their business and return back with their loyalty.


  • Identifies Problems: Feedback helps find and fix issues quickly.
  • Builds Trust: When customers see their feedback is valued, they trust the company more.
  • Drives Business Decisions: Feedback gives important information for making better choices.
  • Boosts Customer Engagement: Asking for feedback shows customers that their opinions matter.

CRM Approach

The CRM approach to feedback is therefore focused on the use of customers perceptions and feedback for the enhancement of the business. You get to know what customers feel and or think about your products or the services you offer. Businesses listen to this feedback to know what’s right and wrong. It makes customers happy and loyal. By understanding customer preferences and needs, one can make better decisions and provide better experiences.

Current Trends in CRM

  • Personalized Surveys: Customized surveys make customers feel valued and get better responses.
  • Mobile Feedback: Feedback is collected through mobile apps for convenience.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Technology is used to understand the emotions behind customer comments.
  • Visual Feedback: Customers use images or videos to show their opinions and experiences.

Regional and Industry Insights

Feedback can vary by where you live and what industry you are in. Some people may prefer to give feedback on social media, others in person. Different industries, like retail or healthcare, have their own way of asking for and using feedback. Retailers might ask for feedback after a purchase and healthcare providers after a visit. Knowing these differences will help you get better feedback and happier customers.


1. What’s the difference between feedback and reviews?

Feedback is shared directly with the company; reviews are often public.

2. What is a feedback loop?

A process where companies collect feedback, make changes and ask for more feedback.

3. Why is feedback important for customer loyalty?

Listening to feedback and making improvements keeps customers coming back.

4. Why is visual feedback useful?

Customers can use images or videos to show their opinions and experiences.

How Feedback Helps

Feedback helps you because it outlines achievements made in relation to consumer satisfaction and areas that are disliked by customers. That is why when customers share their opinions, you can see what needs to be changed. It assists you in coming up with better products, provide better services and inturn making customers happier. Satisfied consumers will come back to you to do business again and even recommend you to their acquaintances, resulting in more growth.


Ask for feedback often and use it to make real improvements.