Virtual Terminal

A Virtual Terminal is like a magic way to take payments without a big clunky credit card machine. It’s for merchants who want to take credit card payments without a physical card reader, for phone or mail orders.

Exploring Core Concepts of Virtual Terminal

A Virtual Terminal lets businesses take credit card payments online. It’s like a digital cash register where merchants enter a customer’s payment details to complete a transaction. For phone or email orders.

According to stats, more businesses use Virtual Terminals because they’re easy to set up and use. They can handle high volumes of transactions securely, so they’re great for online sales and remote payments. Businesses love them for taking payments without a physical card reader. Virtual Terminals are a must-have for modern businesses to take payments online.


  • Accessibility: Can take payments from anywhere with internet access.
  • Versatility: Phone, email, or online sales, multiple transaction methods.
  • Efficiency: No terminals or in-person.
  • Cost-effective: Lower overhead costs than traditional POS systems, easy transaction management.

CRM Approach

CRM integrates Virtual Terminals to manage payment processing. It stores customer payment data within the CRM system for smooth transactions and better customer service. This integration simplifies payment tracking and customer management.

Current Trends in CRM

  • CRM Integration: Virtual Terminals integrate with CRM for payment processing and data management.
  • Security: Tokenise and encrypt payment info.
  • Mobile: Virtual Terminals are mobile optimized for mobile commerce.
  • Analytics: Tools to track transaction trends and customer payment habits.

Regional and Industry Insights

Virtual Terminals are used differently across regions and industries. In North America and Europe, data laws dictate how they’re used to meet GDPR regulations. Retail and hospitality industries use them for easy payments and better customer service. In Asia-Pacific, they’re popular for mobile commerce, making phone payments easier.


1. Do I need a special card reader?

Nope! Most virtual terminals work with your computer or even a tablet. You can type in the card info; some let customers take a picture of their card with their phone!

2. Is it hard to use a virtual terminal?

Nope! Just a few clicks, and you’re good to go. Your CRM will guide you through it.

3. What are the benefits that business customers reap out of Virtual Terminals?

Businesses utilize them because they are able to accept payments over the phone, through email or over the Internet while being devoid of a conventional card reader.

4. Are Virtual Terminals unsafe?

No, they are safe. For the customer’s payment information, they ensure they use strict measures to enhance security.

How Virtual Terminal Helps

A Virtual Terminal is useful when a business needs to take payments over the Internet or through the phone conveniently and securely. It makes payment processing very easy and also ensures that the customers’ information that is required is safe.


Payments can be accepted safely online using a Virtual Terminal instantly.